Electrolux - Kitchen Promise - 3 Video Series

Electrolux - Crispr Drawer Plus
Client: Electrolux
Brand: Frigidaire
Work: Concept Development, Style Frames, Storyboarding, 3D Modeling, Texture/Lighting/Rendering, Compositing
Programs Used: Cinema 4d, After Effects, Arnold Render
Electrolux came to Storyfarm wanting to highlight their new line of Crispr drawers, and we knew we could deliver! Originally this was slated to be a full live product shoot, but as the project progressed we realized 3D would be needed to better highlight the features.
My role was to rebuild, light and texture their drawer as a functional piece in 3D. I then was responsible for compositing our live shot plates into the 3D environment, and did all final compositing and mattes.

Electrolux - Air Fry
Client: Electrolux
Brand: Frigidaire
Work: Concept Development, Style Frames, Storyboarding, 3D Modeling, Texture/Lighting/Rendering, Compositing
Programs Used: Cinema 4d, After Effects, Element 3D, Arnold Render
Electrolux trusted us to also produce a video highlighting their Air Fry feature on their new line of Kitchen Ovens. This was a complete 3D rebuild, adapting their models to be used in mixed environments. Most of the lifting and core animation was done in Element 3D, with added assets like the chicken which I made in Arnold. I also did final composite and finishing in After Effects.

Electrolux - Fit Promise
Client: Electrolux
Brand: Frigidaire
Work: Concepting, Style Frames, Storyboarding, Motion Graphics Texture/Lighting/Rendering, Compositing
Programs Used: After Effects, Element 3D
Finally, Electrolux wanted to highlight their Fit Promise, a guarantee that their ovens and appliances would fit in your kitchen no matter what. For this, I decided I wanted to approach the look like a schematic or blueprint, leveraging a gridded texture. From there I cleaned the provided client models and brought them into Element 3D for texture and animation. This piece was more motion graphics focussed and I produced a variety of versions for several markets.